Legal Disclosure
Company Name: Thomas Lohner
Business Owner: Thomas Lohner
Business Form: Registered Sole Proprietorship
Line of Business: Advertising Art Design
Commercial register of commerce: Landesgericht fuer ZRS, Graz
Registered Office: Hofgasse 6, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 660 1613732
Member of Austrian Economic Chambers: Section Advertising and Market Communications
Trade and Industry Act:
Place of Jurisdiction: Magistrat Graz
In order for consumers and traders to resolve a dispute out-of-court, the European Commission developed the Online Dispute Resolution Website:
Legal disclaimer
The contents of these pages were prepared with utmost care. Nonetheless, we cannot assume liability for the timeless accuracy and completeness of the information. Our website contains links to external websites. As the contents of these third-party websites are beyond our control, we cannot accept liability for them. Responsibility for the contents of the linked pages is always held by the provider or operator of the pages.